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Provides a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts behind the application and designs of medical instrumentation This premiere reference on medical instrumentation describes the principles, applications, and design of the medical instrumentation most commonly used in hospitals. It places great emphasis on design principles so that scientists with limited background in electronics can gain enough information to design instruments that may not be commercially available. The revised edition includes new material on microcontroller-based medical instrumentation with relevant code, device design with circuit simulations and implementations, dry electrodes for electrocardiography, sleep apnea monitor, Infusion pump system, medical imaging techniques and electrical safety. Each chapter includes new problems and updated reference material that covers the latest medical technologies. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, Fifth Edition covers general concepts that are applicable to all instrumentation systems, including the static and dynamic characteristics of a system, the engineering design process, the commercial development and regulatory classifications, and the electrical safety, protection, codes and standards for medical devices. The readers learn about the principles behind various sensor mechanisms, the necessary amplifier and filter designs for analog signal processing, and the digital data acquisition, processing, storage and display using microcontrollers. The measurements of both cardiovascular dynamics and respiratory dynamics are discussed, as is the developing field of biosensors. The book also covers general concepts of clinical laboratory instrumentation, medical imaging, various therapeutic and prosthetic devices, and more. Emphasizes design throughout so scientists and engineers can create medical instruments Updates the coverage of modern sensor signal processing New material added to the chapter on modern microcontroller use Features revised chapters, descriptions, and references throughout Includes many new worked out examples and supports student problem-solving Offers updated, new, and expanded materials on a companion webpage Supplemented with a solutions manual containing complete solutions to all problems Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, Fifth Edition is an excellent book for a senior to graduate-level course in biomedical engineering and will benefit other health professionals involved with the topic.
- ISBN9781119457336
- Code produit250220
- Date de publication16 juin 2020
- FormatPapier
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