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The Smart, Savvy Young Consumer: How to Save and Spend Wisely If you are 14 to 34... and you're smart, savvy, and sophisticated, then this book's for you! Learn how to make smart and savvy decisions about saving, investing and preparing for your future! Avoid common mistakes, use proven strategies to invest and feel good and stress free about your life! ? Understand? How money works ? calculate Interest ? find out your credit rating, invest in stocks, mutual funds and a TFSA ? Discover? ways to save money, buy used goods, save on a car purchase, and use your purchasing power to change the world ? Appreciate? the value in spending less than you make, good debt vs. bad debt ? Find out how to? get the best deal on cell phone plans, car insurance, apartment leasing, home buying ? Get the inside story on how to ? save on monthly bills, play companies off against each other, use your purchasing power to influence social change ? Deal with It?find out how to ? get the best deal on cell phone plans, car insurance ? Be an Investigator?Get the inside story on how to ? save on monthly bills, play companies off against each other ? Make a Difference?Flex Your Social Power--where and how you spend matters?use your purchasing power to make a differencePat Foran is an award-winning journalist and host of a feature segment on CTV Toronto called 'Consumer Alert' and he can also be seen every Thursday morning as a consumer reporter on Canada AM. Pat has helped consumers recover tens of thousands of dollars, exposed scams, warned about unsafe products, and passed on countless money saving tips to the public. Thousands of phone calls, e-mails, and letters proved to Pat there is an intense public thirst for solid, trustworthy consumer information. Pat is also the author of "Canadian Consumer Alert - 101 Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Money" and The Smart Canadian's Guide to Building Wealth? and ?The Smart Canadian's Guide to Saving Money".



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    • Date de publication
      1 novembre 2011
    • Format