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X ray imaging is used extensively in dentistry to diagnose symptoms, plan and monitor treatments and to follow up pathoses. This Safety Report provides guidance on meeting the requirements for radiation protection and safety in uses of ionizing radiation in dentistry established in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards. It includes guidelines for the justification and appropriateness of medical exposure, and the optimization of radiation protection and safety for patients, carers and dental staff, with detail on considerations relevant for children and pregnant women. Quality assurance, dosimetry and the operation of dental radiological equipment are also discussed. This publication is intended for dental practitioners, referring medical practitioners, medical radiation technologists and other dental health professionals, as well as medical physicists, radiation protection experts, manufacturers and regulators.


    • ISBN
    • Éditeur
      International Atomic Energy Agency
    • Collection
      Safety Reports Series
    • Date de publication
      15 mai 2022
    • Format
    • Protection
      Filigrane numérique
    • Catégories BISAC
      Médecine / Radiologie, Radiothérapie et Médecine Nucléaire, Médecine / Dentisterie / Généralités
    • Nombre de pages
    • Langue