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The recommendations provided in this Safety Guide are aimed primarily at operating organizations of nuclear power plants and regulatory bodies. It covers the concept of operational limits and conditions (OLCs), their content as applicable to nuclear power plants, and the responsibilities of the operating organization for their establishment, modification, compliance and documentation. Operating procedures (including emergency operating procedures and severe accident management guidelines) to support the implementation of the OLCs and to ensure their observance are also within the scope of this Safety Guide.
- ISBN9789201241221
- ÉditeurInternational Atomic Energy Agency
- CollectionIAEA Safety Standards Series
- Date de publication14 septembre 2022
- FormatEpub
- ProtectionFiligrane numérique
- Catégories BISACAffaires & Économie / Industries / Energie, Technologie & Ingénierie / Ressources électriques / Nucléaire
- Nombre de pages64
- LangueAnglais