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Comprehensive and case-based, Pediatric Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders provides a state-of-the-art overview of this complex field in a concise, authoritative format perfect for self-study or review. Real-life patient cases reflect those that are frequently encountered in clinical decision making. These narrative case studies offer a unique opportunity for readers to determine how best to diagnose, treat, and manage their patients based on the history of present illness, review of symptoms, relevant history, and physical examination findings.1 Hyponatremia 
2 Hypernatremia
3 Hypokalemia
4 Hyperkalemia
5 Metabolic Alkalosis
6 Metabolic Acidosis
7 Hypocalcemia
8 Hypercalcemia
9 Hypophosphatemia
10 Hyperphosphatemia
11 Hypomagnesemia
12 Hypermagnesemia


    • ISBN
    • Code produit
    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      17 juillet 2023
    • Format

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