Image du produit AAP Pediatric Obesity Clinical Support Chart
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This convenient point-of-care resource provides practitioners with an evidence-based quick reference guide for evaluating and treating overweight and obesity in the clinical setting. The content is grounded in the latest clinical practice guideline from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and includes guidance on evidence and recommendations, evaluation (for primary well-child visits), treatment (for obesity follow-up and sick visits), and office resources, supports, and operations. The chart can be kept on hand throughout the clinical day to support the assessment and treatment of overweight and obesity in children of all ages. CONTENTS CONSIST OF Evidence and Recommendations Tab 1. AAP Key Action Statements Tab 2. AAP Consensus Recommendations Tab 3. Algorithm for Pediatric Overweight and Obesity Evaluation (for Primary Well-Child Visits) Tab 4. Evaluation Tab 5. Stigma and Communication Tab 6. Clinical Flow: Assessment and Evaluation Tab 7. Risk Tab 8. Physical Examination Findings Tab 9. Commonly Prescribed Medications and Weight Gain Tab 10. Conditions That Occur With Obesity Treatment (for Obesity Follow-up and Sick Visits) Tab 11. Treatment Tab 12. Treatment in the Primary Care Office Tab 13. Intensive Health Behavior and Lifestyle Treatment Tab 14. My Goal Sheets Office Resources, Supports, and Operations Tab 15. Operationalizing Care Tab 16. Welcoming Office Tab 17. Capacity Considerations Tab 18. Coding for Overweight and Obesity Tab 19. 5210 Healthy Habits Questionnaire (Ages 2-9) Tab 20. 5210 Healthy Habits Questionnaire (Ages 10+)



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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      15 septembre 2023
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