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A complete guide to hydraulic and pneumatic power system engineering and technology—thoroughly revised for the latest advances

Written by an expert in the field, this hands-on guide covers the construction, operation, and calculation of fluid power systems. Special attention is paid to building solid theoretical background that enables the reader to further study and analyze the steady state and dynamic performance of the diverse fluid power elements and systems. In addition to the mathematical treatment and theory, the book includes case studies—most accompanied by detailed constructional drawings—of diverse elements of industrial, mobile, and aeronautical hydraulic power systems. Readers will learn how to build low-loss transmission lines and actuators, analyze system performance, optimize efficiency, and much more. 

Fluid Power Engineering, Second Edition includes a new chapter on electrohydraulic proportional valve technology as well as extensive digital material supporting learning, teaching, research, and vocational training. The ancillaries cover PowerPoint presentations with full-colored slides, MATLAB-SIMULINK programs, movies, animations, Automation Studio projects, and solutions to numerical problems. In addition, the ancillaries include conveniently selected topics from fluid mechanics and automatic control to enrich the theoretical background. 

M. Galal Rabie, PhD, is a professor of mechanical engineering in the Manufacturing Engineering and Production Technology Department at the Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology in Cairo, Egypt. He is the head of the aircraft mechanical engineering department at Military Technical College; a member of Egypt's military research team; and a consultant in the field of fluid power technology for major industrial firms. Dr. Rabie has authored or coauthored 78 papers published in international journals and presented at refereed conferences.


    • ISBN
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    • Date de publication
      3 octobre 2023
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