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Search and Seizure offers a comprehensive resource on section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a narrative format accessible to general readers, with close to exhaustive coverage for lawyers and judges. It deals with all aspects of section 8, including a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” the many sources in law authorizing a search or seizure, when such laws are reasonable under the Charter, and when a search or seizure is conducted in a reasonable manner. Authors Robert Diab and Chris Hunt also include a detailed account of how warrants are obtained and the law on executing them, how to challenge the validity of a search or seizure, and remedies for a breach of section 8. Its concision, accessibility, and scope make this an ideal book for students and jurists alike. 

Search and Seizure offers a comprehensive resource on section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a narrative format accessible to general readers, with close to exhaustive coverage for lawyers and judges. Its concision, accessibility, and scope make this an ideal book for students and jurists alike. 

Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Introduction: What Is Privacy and Why Does It Matter? Chapter 2: An Overview of Section 8 Chapter 3: What Is a Search or Seizure? Chapter 4: What Is a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy? Chapter 5: Searches and Seizures Authorized by Law 1: Standard Warrant Chapter 6: Searches and Seizures Authorized by Law 2: Other Authority Chapter 7: When Is a Search Law Reasonable? Chapter 8: When Is a Search Reasonably Conducted? Chapter 9: Exclusion and Other Remedies for Unreasonable Search or Seizure Table of Cases Index About the AuthorsCA



    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      1 janvier 2023
    • Format

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