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William A. Haseltine, PhD

In Dr. Haseltine's career at the forefront of medical research and application, he has educated a generation of doctors at Harvard Medical School, designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS, is well-known for his groundbreaking work on cancer, and led the team that pioneered the development of new drugs based on information from the human genome.

He is the author of more than two hundred peer-reviewed manuscripts and fifteen books. As Chair and CEO of ACCESS Health International, Dr. Haseltine is dedicated to ensuring that advances in medical technology translate to improved health outcomes worldwide.

Roberto Patarca, MD, PhD

Dr. Patarca is the Chief Medical Officer at ACCESS Health International and a former pharmaceutical and medical device company executive and faculty at Harvard Medical School and the University of Miami. His research has focused on the AIDS virus, microbial replication regulation, adoptive cellular immunotherapy, drug resistance testing, cardiovascular interventions, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

He served on Advisory Committees to two U.S. Secretaries of Health and Human Services, was elected to the Academy of Sciences of Latin America; worked with the World Health Organization on standardization of cytokine level measurements, and has been published widely.


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    • Date de publication
      13 janvier 2024
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