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Completely reorganized to be more clinically focused on diagnosis and treatment,Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology,Eighth Edition,provides the up-to-date information practitioners, researchers, and students need in an easily accessible manner. Drs. Dennis S. Chi, Dineo Khabele, Don S. Dizon, and Catheryn Yashar oversee an expert team of international, multidisciplinary authors who offer practical coverage of the entire field, including new management and treatment strategies for gynecologic cancers. Each disease site now has a dedicated section with individual chapters on epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention, diagnostic imaging, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and more—all designed for quick clinical reference and efficient study.
  • Features amultidisciplinary approachto treatment and care including expert views from radiation oncology, pathology, internal medicine, gastroenterology and nutrition, neurology, pharmacy, genetics, and epidemiology, in addition to medical oncology and surgery

  • Coversspecial topicssuch as perioperative and critical care; surgical procedures; cost-effective and value-based cancer care; pain, nutrition, and palliative care; and a new chapter on supportive care

  • Includes access to more thantwo dozen videos

  • Highlights authoritative content with hundreds ofhigh-quality, full-color illustrationsand nearly 250 tables for quick reference

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  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

Completely reorganized to be more clinically focused on diagnosis and treatment,Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology,Eighth Edition,provides the up-to-date information practitioners, researchers, and students need in an easily accessible manner. Drs. Dennis S. Chi, Dineo Khabele, Don S. Dizon, and Catheryn Yashar oversee an expert team of international, multidisciplinary authors who offer practical coverage of the entire field, including new management and treatment strategies for gynecologic cancers. Each disease site now has a dedicated section with individual chapters on epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention, diagnostic imaging, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and more—all designed for quick clinical reference and efficient study.



    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      7 juin 2024
    • Format

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