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Packed with sound solutions to common and uncommon diagnostic dilemmas,Rosen's Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy, Fifth Edition, helps pathologists in the detection of subtle features which lead to decisive diagnoses. In this award-winning text, Drs. Syed A. Hoda, Raza S. Hoda, and Elaine Zhong provide an entirely updated and sumptuously illustrated guide to correlating pathological, clinical and radiological findings. This exceptionally readable book is primarily designed to assist pathologists in making a confident diagnosis on the limited tissue samples of needle core biopsies. The text provides pertinent information to enable pathologists to engage with radiologists, surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists in dealing with all types of cases- in the current demanding era of multidisciplinary management.

The challenges faced by pathologists in dealing with needle core biopsies are summarized in the following self-evident maxims:
1. Anything can turn up.
2. What you see is what you have, and it may not be all there is.
3. What you see may be all there is.
These axioms were originally stated by Dr. Paul P. Rosen in the Preface to the First Edition of this book—and continue to be relevant today. Pathologists must always keep these precepts in mind when rendering diagnoses on needle core biopsies.

In sum, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to interpreting the complex and limited material of needle core biopsies.
  • Featuresupdated content, new illustrations, and innovative tables throughout.
  • Includeslatest classifications, cutting-edge molecular pathology information, updated details on ancillary testing; current management recommendations; latest reference sources; and more.
  • Contains anew chapter on ancillary testingon needle core biopsy specimens.
  • Includesmore than 1,500 high-quality imageswhich capture the key features of each lesion



    • ISBN
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    • Éditeur
    • Date de publication
      17 janvier 2024
    • Format

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