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Death Walks in Eastrepps begins quietly--almost too quietly. Robert Eldridge is returning to Eastrepps on the London train for his customary Wednesday night tryst with Margaret Withers. At the same time Miss Mary Hewitt is sitting down to dinner with her brother James. Later that night she will make her usual visit to Mrs. Dampier at Tamarisk House. As she leaves to go home, nothing is out of the ordinary. But Mary Hewitt doesn't reach home that night, and her corpse is found the next dayin a little wood just off the path she would normally take. A brutal murderer--soon called the Eastrepp Evil--is on the loose.


    • ISBN
    • Éditeur
      Rare Treasure Editions
    • Date de publication
      24 mars 2025
    • Format
    • Protection
      Filigrane numérique
    • Catégories BISAC
      Fiction / Mystère & Détective / Général, Fiction / Mystère & Détective / Police Procédure
    • Langue