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Drugs & Drug Abuse has become the standard reference text for anyone needing concise and clear scientific information on psychoactive drugs.

This essential text is organized into four main sections:

  • understanding drugs, drug effects and drug use
  • major drug classes: depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and psychiatric medications
  • key drugs: detailed descriptions of 35 well known drugs, including synopsis, source, combinations, medical uses, dosage, short- and long-term effects and abuse potential
  • other drugs in brief: descriptions of 40 less well-known drugs.

It also includes comprehensive reference sections, including glossaries. The drugs discussed range from psychiatric medications to well-known street drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and heroin, and less common drugs such as ketamine, khat and peyote.

À propos des auteurs

Brands, Bruna

Bruna Brands, PhD, received her doctorate in pharmacology from the University of Western Ontario. She is a Senior Science Advisor at Health Canada, an Affiliate Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Brands has extensive experience in managing clinical trials and in preparing research evidence for publication for academic, clinical and general readers.

Sproule, Beth

Beth Sproule, PharmD, is an advanced practice pharmacist / clinician scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, and assistant professor in Pharmacy and Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Wayne State University, Detroit, USA and her BScPhm degree from the University of Toronto. Her research program focuses on mental health medications, pharmacy practice and prescription drug abuse.


    • ISBN
    • Éditeur
      Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
    • Date de publication
      14 mars 1998
    • Format
    • Protection
      Filigrane numérique
    • Catégories BISAC
      Médecine / Pharmacologie, Médecine / Médicaments
    • Nombre de pages
    • Langue