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While several books describing imaging of brain tumors from MR acquisition techniques to differential diagnosis are written by different contributors and present chapters with different styles and design, this book illustrates a unique vision and structure putting together modern molecular classification of brain tumor with modern neuroradiology.

After an introduction on general imaging features of brain tumors the book explores each different tumor according to 2021 WHO classification, distinguishing however between adult and pediatric tumors, being the epidemiology substantially different between these two groups.

The approach is schematic with few essential information on epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, location and prognosis, followed by a detailed description of imaging features with a large number of examples. Figures are mainly put together with the same modality considering all the different MR techniques as well as CT when it can be useful. Each figure provides T1, T2, FLAIR, DWI, ADC,  perfusion  imaging techniques, spectroscopy and post contrast study. Some examples of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) technique are provided as well.

At the end of each chapter a scheme summarizes the different appearance of the tumor in any different sequence.

This book will be an invaluable tool for neuroradiologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, pediatricians, and pathologists.

A.  General considerations.- Epidemiology.- Clinical presentation.- Classification, grading and prognosis.- Imaging: general principles.B. Systematic review: intra-axial adult brain tumours.-  Diffuse astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumours.- Other gliomas, ependymal tumours and rare gliomas in the adult.- Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumours.- Tumors of the pineal region.- Lymphomas.- Metastatic tumours of the CNS.- C. Systematic review: entra-axial adult brain tumours .- Tumours of the cranial and paraspinal nerves.- Meningiomas.- Mesenchymal non meningiomatous tumours.- D. Systematic review: pediatric brain tumours .- Brain tumours of the first two year of age.- Posterior fossa tumours of childhood.- Other pediatric tumours.

Dr. Triulzi began his career as a neuroradiologist more than 30 years ago, just at the onset of the technological evolution in the field brought about by the introduction of MR imaging. He had the opportunity to spend his training years in the largest and most technologically advanced Italian private teaching hospital, the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan.

Since the end of the '80s his professional interest has focused on Pediatric Neuroradiology. During his early tenure at San Raffaele Scientific Institute he started a clinical and research program on newborns; the program quickly grew to cover other clinical areas of pediatric neuroradiology. This pioneering activity led to Dr. Triulzi's appointment as Director of Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology at Milan's Children's Hospital "Vittore Buzzi" in 2000. In 2012 he was appointed Director of the Neuroradiological Unit at the IRCCS Cà Granda Foundation University Hospital in Milan, the hospital with the largest fetal-maternal Department of Northern Italy. During his tenure at Cà Granda Foundation his professional activity was still mainly devoted to the field of pediatric neuroradiology but at the same time it also grew in the field of adult pathology with a particular focus on the field of brain tumors and epilepsy. 

Recently he became full Professor of Neuroradiology at the University of Milan. His scientific works reflect in 194 full papers indexed in PubMed, 229 indexed in Scopus and an H-index of 34. 

While several books describing imaging of brain tumors from MR acquisition techniques to differential diagnosis are written by different contributors and present chapters with different styles and design, this book illustrates a unique vision and structure putting together modern molecular classification of brain tumor with modern neuroradiology.

After an introduction on general imaging features of brain tumors the book explores each different tumor according to 2021 WHO classification, distinguishing however between adult and pediatric tumors, being the epidemiology substantially different between these two groups.

The approach is schematic with few essential information on epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, location and prognosis, followed by a detailed description of imaging features with a large number of examples. Figures are mainly put together with the same modality considering all the different MR techniques as well as CT when it can be useful. Each figure provides T1, T2, FLAIR, DWI, ADC,  perfusion  imaging techniques, spectroscopy and post contrast study. Some examples of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) technique are provided as well.

At the end of each chapter a scheme summarizes the different appearance of the tumor in any different sequence.

This book will be an invaluable tool for neuroradiologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, pediatricians, and pathologists.



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    • Date de publication
      7 novembre 2023
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